Friday, June 24, 2011

No Taxes on Plastic Bags

Speak out: support recycling, not taxes and bans

Some lawmakers are debating whether to ban or tax the plastic grocery bags we use every day. But these laws don't work—they just increase costs and aggravation. When lawmakers take a closer look at the facts, they realize that recycling is a much better way to reduce litter, not bans and taxes. Expanding recycling programs for plastic bags means that shoppers continue to have a choice at the checkout line; and they avoid new grocery costs at a time when many can least afford it.
Please tell your state legislators to support plastic bag recycling, not taxes or bans. Use the following as an example and email it today.

Dear Decision Maker:
I've been reading about how some state and local governments are debating whether to ban or tax plastic grocery bags, the kind we get for free every time we shop for food. But I think bans and taxes are the wrong choice for our state - recycling is a much better solution. I hope you'll oppose any bag taxes or bans in our state, and instead push for better, expanded plastic recycling and education programs.
Nobody likes plastic litter. But taxes and bans don't solve anything; they just reduce consumer choice and add another burden to our budgets. When lawmakers take a closer look at the facts, they realize that increasing the quality and quantity of recycling and education programs enables communities to recycle all sorts of plastics, including the shopping bags we get at grocery and convenience stores.
I support legislation that will help our environment without burdening our families. That's why I oppose bag taxes and bans, and instead support expanded recycling. I hope you will, too.


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